What Clicks May Come
What Clicks May Come
Dolphinus Approved Scalar Snacks
We don't even know on this one, people. We read so many absolutely nonsensical walls of text of what are most certainly acid-based revelations involving cosmic gates and dolphins with map-making abilities. We find out about how you can get nutrition beamed directly into your body via your picture being put into a box with a lamp over it in some guy's basement. Just... hold our hands and venture on in here, it truly goes some places and you'll need a friend or two in the dark forest full of dolphin cults and sasquatches that can turn into crows.
Find us on Instagram at whatclicksmaycome, send us your armadillo facts using #naturalsoldier on Twitter @whatclicks, and email us your stories about armadillos (natural soldiers) at whatclicksmaycome@gmail.com
Podcast artwork is by Jocelyn James, find her on Patreon at patreon.com/herbgerblin
Music is by Brittany, find her on this podcast!