What Clicks May Come

Bid on Bigfoot

Logan and Brittany Episode 10

This week, we discover a new fancy wine, rabies, high school newsletters, and the sexiest lawn ornament you've never heard of. If that doesn't entice you, then you at least need to listen for Brittany's impression of a drunk (but friendly) sasquatch.  

 Check out pictures from this episode on Instagram at whatclicksmaycome, send us your armadillo facts using #naturalsoldier on Twitter @whatclicks, and email us your weirdest internet finds at whatclicksmaycome@gmail.com (make sure to let us know what name you’d like us to credit you with!) Also, rate us on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shout-out! 

Podcast artwork is by Jocelyn James, find her on Patreon at patreon.com/herbgerblin 

Music is by Brittany, find her on this podcast!

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