What Clicks May Come

Keep Your Spoon Outta My STU

Logan and Brittany Episode 16
Hey clowns, y'all ever hear about spoon-bending parties? Ever wanted a list of all of the things that you need for a party where you and others bend spoons with your mind? You ever wonder about the exact percentage breakdown on the types of people you should have at your spoon-bending parties? Did you even consider that it might be too frightening for children under five? Do the responsible thing and make damn sure to listen to this episode before you dare pick up a spoon!

Check us out on Instagram at whatclicksmaycome, send us your armadillo facts using #naturalsoldier on Twitter @whatclicks, and email us your weirdest internet finds or construct a weird piece of fanmail to whatclicksmaycome@gmail.com . Also, rate us on Apple Podcasts and we’ll give you a shout-out! 

Podcast artwork is by Jocelyn James, find her on Patreon at patreon.com/herbgerblin 

Music is by Brittany, find her on this podcast!

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